Not Posting Often and a Cool Glit that happened to Me!

AHHHHHH Sorry guys lol i havent been posting lately… or for like ever. XD ive been busy so yea. Its the last day of the fall fair, dont forget!

Ok so I had 858 tickets, and I went to one of the booths to get that cirus igloo. SO I bought it, and you all know its 700 tickets right? K so I bought it, and I wanted to check how much tickets I had left. I HAD 858 TICKETS LEFT!!!!!!!!! OMG LOL! So I thought I hadnt purchased it, and that I had prob. pressed a wrong button, but I went to my igloo….. OMFG ITS THERE LOL!!!!

So I technically bought a circus iggy for freeeeeeeee, and then I could buy the rest of the stuff I didnt have. So lol, that was totally WICKED!!!

3 Responses to “Not Posting Often and a Cool Glit that happened to Me!”

  1. Samson235 Says:

    Umm thats because the last day everything is free lol

  2. yokindred Says:

    sponge there realy no way i can talk 2 you now because u got rid of ur chat box so for now on just send me an email or coe 2 my site because i never hear from u guys and i get bored

  3. yokindred Says:

    lucky see you on utube

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